10.1. "Search" tabbed page

10.1.1. Search filter
10.1.2. Accessory part filter

In the following the setting options on the Search tabbed page are explained:

Restrict search

Using the option "Search in all catalogs & classifications" you won't leave any possible hit, however will have less overview.

Using the option "Search in Current selection" the desired hits do not have to be filtered later.

Select one of the following options in the list field:

Searching for parts or parts and part families?

In the list field select one of the two options under Search for:

Search methods

Basically there are two possibilities: Manual searching of directories or using an automated search method.

Start search

Search results

Below the "Start search" button the search results are listed.

When you move the mouse over a line the respective buttons are displayed. After line selection and click with the secondary mouse button the context menu opens.

In the following the individual commands are described:


The view switches to the View tabbed page (alternatively you can perform a double-click.)

See Section 10.4, “Tabbed page "View" - Variables in List view or Table view | View | Technical details | 2D derivation | Links | Topology ”.

On the level of part families initially a middle line is displayed, on the level of parts the specific part is displayed.

The command is available as button and in the context menu.

Add to part compare

The Part comparison dialog box opens and now the Seamless dialog box is displayed together with the Part comparison in one window. As soon as the Part comparison is finished, the original Seamless layout is shown again.[a]

Detailed information on Part comparison is found under Section, “ Part comparison ”.

The command is available as button and in the context menu.

Export to CAD:

The part is directly transferred to the CAD system. The placement dialog opens (see Section 2.6.1, “ Insert model (3D) from the Standard and supplier parts library ”).

The command is only available for parts (characteristics), not for part families.

The command is available as button and in the context menu.

Add to favorites ...

Save often needed parts as favorites.

See also Section 10.3, “"Favorites" tabbed page”.

The command is both available on the level of part families and on the level of parts.

The command is only available in the context menu.

[a] Whether Seamless shall be shown left or right from the Part comparison, is set in a configuration file. On this see Section, “ Key "SeamlessWindowInCompareSide" - Seamless - Part comparison | Right-left setting” in PARTsolutions / PARTcommunity4Enterprise - Administration Manual.

Depending on the setting of Show parts or Show parts and part families (compare above) access on parts differs. Whether a project (part or assembly) is displayed or a specific characteristic you can recognize by the respective icon:

Restrict search results with catalog filter

After a Full-text search or Variables search a Catalog filter is displayed. If hits have been scored over several catalogs, then you can restrict the result to a certain catalog subsequently.

After every new search the filter is reset again.

Show more results ...

If more than 50 results are available[1] the button Show more results ... appears at the page end. Normally the desired results are under the first hits. However if you want to see more results, successively click on Show more results ... or click on Show all results....


On this see under Section 3.3.14, “ "Search" tabbed page ”.

[1] If you want to change the default setting click on the button Settings right below and select the General tabbed page.