With the partial search by CADENAS, you won't lose sight of what's essential when searching for components

Find components and assemblies easily with PARTsolutions geometrically similar subsections

The female peacock demonstrates the best way to go about finding a partner: The beautiful eyes on the tail of a peacock are decisive for finding the right partner. As also in engineering, the search for the right component is often much faster when the focus is on a certain subsection.

For this reason, the CADENAS Strategic Parts Management PARTsolutions offers the partial search for engineers. This intelligent finding method makes it possible to dig out small component segments and design forms from a group of parts and to search for components and assemblies within an existing database with geometrically similar subsections. In this way, the associated work steps as well as the already existing tools for the design can be taken over.

Partial search by CADENAS

The benefit is obvious: If certain features, sections or segments of a component are defined as a reference, the component database is searched through accordingly and suitable parts and assemblies are listed. Thus, design forms and work steps can simply be used again and the variety of tools reduced.

You can find detailed information about partial search in our video:

CADENAS creates new opportunities to intelligently find product information as well as CAD data of standard, purchased and single parts. The search functions have been especially optimized for the needs of engineers and purchasers, and makes it possible to intelligently find needed components through intuitive usage. Learn more about intelligent finding methods by CADENAS at:


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