New record: 12,741,414 downloads of 3D CAD models
Upward trends continue for 3D CAD Downloads from PARTcommunity Portal
In Germany the temperature range in the last few days has been moving in only one directon: higher and higher. The PARTcommunity 3D CAD downloads are matching this trend stride for stride. These levels of downloads by notable manufacturers has never been seen in such high numbers:
12,741,414 Downloads in June 2015 alone!
With this record month the goal of 13 Million downloads is fast approaching.

Millions of 3D CAD data available worldwide and around the clock
The 3D CAD model download portal PARTcommunity allows through service and performance engineers, designers and design engineers worldwide to download parts data. This data comes from all over the world, is available around the clock and can be imported into engineers respective CAD system as native format. For this purpose, the complete content of 400 free CAD product catalogs from renowned manufacturers is at their disposal.
You can find the 3D CAD download portal PARTcommunity under: