Millions of 3D and 2D CAD models are now directly available in ARES® Commander
Plugin allows quantum leap through direct access to CADENAS product catalogs inside ARES Commander 2015 and 2016
As of now, a new service is available to the fast-growing community of more than 20 000 ARES® Commander users: For the first time, designers can directly access millions of free CAD models from hundreds of renowned manufacturers. The desired CAD models can be directly inserted as blocks with attributes into ARES Commander, either in 3D or in different 2D views. They can be further modified with ARES Commander and used for design work. The PARTcommunity plugin is directly integrated as a side panel inside ARES Commander. As a result, it is not required to select a CAD format or register to access the libraries.

With a toolbar, the users can search the various catalogs of renowned, international manufacturers in a fast and simple way for the suitable component. Moreover, a full-text search is also available.
Premium contents are also available at very reasonable costs when users prefer to use standardized CAD models to avoid any reference to a specific manufacturer. This may for example be required when the drawing is used for a call for tenders.
The PARTcommunity plugin for ARES Commander was developed in a collaboration between Graebert and CADENAS, the software manufacturer from Augsburg. This free plugin will become available from October 15 on Graebert’s estore, first for ARES Commander 2015 and later for the soon-to-be released ARES Commander 2016. The previously tedious search for the desired standard or supplier part has been significantly simplified, thus making the design work of engineers more efficient.
ARES Commander is the high-performance, DWG compatible CAD Software of Graebert GmbH for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. It is the ideal CAD software for every day work as well as for complex projects.
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