Identify unknown objects with 3D scanner and the Intelligent Finding technology

CADENAS Intelligent Finding technology reduces effort for maintenance and warehouse logistics

3D Scanner + Intelligent Find TechnologyCompanies have always relied on quality and durability when buying machines. However, if a spare part is necessary after several decades, it can get difficult to find the right component. To identify such parts, even with a missing label and with little effort, only two things are necessary: A 3D scanner and CADENAS’ Intelligent Finding technology.

Save time by automating search

Every year, thousands of new parts are developed and catalogs are expanded. It depends on the manufacturer how well components are labelled. Especially older components can only be reliably allocated through tedious research, since they are worn-out or insufficiently labelled. To identify parts correctly is not only a problem with older machines. Returns often come back to the warehouse without documentation and it’s time-consuming to sort them in again. CADENAS is offering a convenient solution for this: With a 3D scanner, a real part can be converted into a 3D model. Converted into a CAD file, it can then be compared automatically with millions of digital parts from more than 600 renowned manufacturers by means of CADENAS’ Intelligent Finding technol-ogy, integrated in the Strategic Parts Management PARTsolutions. Those responsible for maintenance and warehouse logistics can thus save a lot of time and effort in their work.

Try it out yourself with the new PARTcloud feature

PARTcloud in the 3D CAD Downloadportal PARTcommunityConvince yourself how this method can make your every day working life easier in a smart and handy way. At!index?name=Handle+-+3D+Scanning&model_id=229 you will find a scanned handle to try out yourself, how performant CADENAS’ Intelligent Finding technology is. Alternatively you can try out 3D CAD models of the components you designed yourself: Just upload them and compare the CAD models directly to existing content of PARTcloud via the “Similar Shaped Parts“ search fea-ture, to find other similar parts.

PARTcloud ContentThe 3D sharing platform PARTcommunity allows users themselves to determine which persons are allowed to see and download their content. This way you can specifically share designs with friends and colleagues or provide them for download.

For more information about CADENAS’ Intelligent Finding features, please visit You can find the PARTcloud here

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