3D CAD Product Catalog goes Facebook

How you as a manufacturer should use Facebook as an additional marketing platform!

1. Reasons that speak for the presence of your 3D CAD models on Facebook

Social Media and Facebook are currently the trendiest and the number of users of Facebook grows on a daily basis. More and more engineers and buyers are using the social network to exchange and gain up-to-date information.

Social Networking

CADENAS has jumped on the bandwagon and now offers you new functionalities as component manufacturers with the Electronic CAD Product Catalog eCATALOGsolutions, in order for you to put your 3D CAD models easily and quickly into the focus and thus address your target group explicitly.

2. Don't just highlight your news, but your products too!

eCATALOGsolutions now offers you the opportunity to embed your CAD product catalog directly onto your Facebook company page with only a few clicks. With the side bar containing a direct link to the product catalog integrated on your Facebook page, fans will be made aware of your 3D CAD model and can easily and quickly go to the CAD download.

CAD product catalog directly embeded onto your Facebook company page

3. Win more "Likes" with more popularity

Get more popularity in the Facebook community by having users be able to share your product catalog with their friends. This additionally increases the popularity of your products.

In addition, "Like" buttons of Facebook can be embedded in your product catalog as well as in your 3D CAD download portal. Customers and interested parties thus have the opportunity to share the entire product catalog or specific products on their own Facebook page, thus automatically advertising it to their friends.

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