事件回顾: CADENAS 2013 工业论坛隆重举行


CADENAS 2013 工业论坛在德国奥格斯堡盛大开幕. 这是CADENAS用户参与交流和分享成功经验的国际性盛会.


在论坛上用户们围绕战略性零部件数据管理系统和产品电子目录等议题进行了各种讨论, 听取了各种讲座并相互交流了相关信息和各自的成功经验.

很多与会者利用这次机会从行业领先的零部件供应商那里学到了很多市场推广的好经验和好方法, 例如如何借助eCATALOGsolutions来促进其产品的销售工作. 通过产品电子目录开拓巨大的无限的市场潜力.

整机厂用户则更关注于战略性零部件数据管理系统的应用经验交流. 了解众多企业如何利用PURCHINEERING技术来降低产品成本和优化零部件采购和设计协同工作的流程. 如何通过减少物料和加强分类来缩减成本.

以上只是简单地介绍了一下, 让我们一起通过图片来了解一下此次盛会的情况吧!

CADENAS founder Jurgen Heimbach opens the event highlighting achievements in 2012 and what’s ahead in 2013.

CADENAS总裁Jürgen Heimbach先生在大会上回顾了2012取得的巨大成绩和并对2013进行了展望.

Networking in between sessions at the Industry-Forum

Networking in between sessions at the Industry-Forum


Everyone is up for a rousing game of “whack the nail with the hammer!” Hey wait…am I having fun or is this work? These Germans really know how to have a good time!


“I Love CADENAS” cookies for all to wear and eat.


Brady showing Americans know how to wear Lederhosen!


More fun and games! The log sawing competition is dominated by CADENAS PARTsolutions team members Jeff and Christian.

在齐心合力锯木头比赛中CADENAS PARTsolutions成员Jeff和Christian留影.

Members of the German Marketing team (the ladies not the cow)


Rob meeting with an international colleague at the evening event.


Thiago and Ute talking shop during the evening reception at the Riegele Wirtshaus.


Attendees listen to presentations of customer success stories

Geri dön