Search better – find faster: AI on 3Dfindit optimizes search results

Intelligent optimization of search results saves engineers and designers time and delivers valid results

May makes all things new? June is also a good month for 3Dfindit. It brings a new search feature in 2024: 3Dfindit AI Search. This means that the platform will provide customers with even more and better search results in the future.

Are you still looking or have you already found it?

3Dfindit is the central point of contact for engineers, designers and architects looking for 3D CAD, CAE and BIM models. In everyday working life, however, things often have to be done quickly and it can happen that a typing error occurs when entering a component name or material number, or that customers do not have the complete information or designations. In either case, the search query had to be entered again, which cost time.

With 3Dfindit AI Search, search results are adjusted even if a search query is incorrect or incomplete. For example, if customers enter “scewdiver” in the search field, the misspelled word is corrected and suggestions for “screwdriver”, “SCREW DRIVER”, “screwdrivers” or “screw over” are provided.

1Incorrect search query is optimized, offering customers four different suggestions with thousands of search results.

Complex search queries deliver valuable results

Even more complex searches with multiple words, abbreviations, or numbers provide optimal results. With the help of translation dictionaries, all languages are analyzed and alternative words or spellings are suggested or individual words are excluded from the search string.

3Dfindit AI Search delivers the best results, even for complex queries with multiple words, numbers, or abbreviations.

The advantages of 3Dfindit AI Search are obvious: it delivers high quality results despite an incorrect query. It corrects spelling mistakes in the query, removes meaningless words and suggests synonyms. Engineers, planners and architects get thousands of reliable search results and save even more time in their daily design work. Try it out for yourself!

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