Intelligent standard & supplier part catalogs
This is how information exchange of your components will work out

“Industry 4.0“ and “Internet of things“ are the keywords showing that there is a continuously increasing link between the real and the digital world.
The more singular components communicate with each other in the manufacturing process, consequently the digital data must also be provided in an intelligent form.
What are intelligent CAD models?
Component geometry alone is not sufficient for an engineer to make a decision, just as important is the component‘s meta data. These make it possible to test motion sequences already in the CAD system and take information into account such as centers of mass, material or environmental standards etc. during the product development.

Which intelligent information do engineers need?
A survey conducted by CADENAS among 122,200 users in 2014 shows which intelligent information CAD models should contain so that engineers, technicians and purchasers can do their daily work smoothly.

Over 700 manufacturer certified product catalogs
The intelligent 3D CAD models of standard and purchased parts can be imported in the desired format directly into the CAD system to speed up the construction process.