With the calculation assistance, Special Springs nitrogen cylinders can be configured
Special Springs has achieved the first calculator for gas cylinders together with CADENAS
Specialised in the manufacturing of standardised forging die, Special Spring produces three different product standards: ISO 10243, JIS B5012 and US-NAAMS. In 1990 nitrogen cylinders were designed by Special Springs with new standards set on quality, performance and size.

The new Special Springs calculator assistant
Special Springs is constantly active in the development and implementation of modern production and management tools to ensure a high level of quality and first class customer service. They have now made their calculator assistant available online on their website. This gives engineers the tool to define the characteristics of the isothermal or polytrophic cylinder based on their specific requirements.

To see the complete benefits of this service, the cylinder number needs to be entered. This number is important to successfully calculate the parameter and receive important data:

The calculator assistant is the newest project between Special Springs and CADENAS. The cooperation began with the commissioning of an Electronic Product Catalog. In the end, the Special Springs PARTcommunity portal based on eCATALOGsolutions technology was integrated into the manufacturer’s website while still maintaining the Corporate Image thus allowing engineers to download 3D CAD components in over 100 native CAD formats in their CAD system for free.

To download a 3D CAD model instantly into your own CAD system simply use https://special-springs.partcommunity.com. Here you can find the right Special Spring engineering data to configure to your needs.

More information about Special Springs products are available here: www.specialsprings.com
Interested in an Electronic Product Catalog? More information can be found here: www.cadenas.de