From plump prototype to santa’s snazzy speedster

With the PARTcommunity 3D CAD download portal and a 3D printer the Christmas elves might as well pack up and go home

How does Santa manage to handle his huge load of present orders in such short time? According to unconfirmed reports his business is not really conveniently situated at the North Pole. At CADENAS we have our own theory how santa's business and its complete logistics is just in time ready by the end of the year. In doing so his key elements are: A 3D printer and access to the PARTcommunity with its intelligent search functions and a huge 3D CAD parts library.

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No sleigh? No problem!

Santa shows in an exemplary way the possibilites of the Maker Movements, where inventors and tinkerers independently and globally produce their ideas in small series. Per 3D scanner a 3D sketch is created and compared to existing 3D CAD data of standard- and supplier catalog parts via the intelligent search function of the PARTcommunity. With a 3D printer the necessary parts are instantly produced. Therefore it is perfect to quickly create a prototype you can touch or – like in the case of santa –release the helping elves from sleigh carving.

Who would like to follow suit and start with his own sleigh production, can find the 3D model here in all common CAD formats for free download on PARTcommunity.

For more information about intelligent finding and our Christmas video, please visit
