Interface between Enterprise 3Dfindit and PRO.FILE next

To streamline information management and the design process, Enterprise 3Dfindit is linked to PROCAD's new PLM system

The partnership between the two software developers CADENAS and PROCAD helps companies to ensure that their systems do not become data graveyards and that their work processes become more efficient. Since version 12SP04, Enterprise 3Dfindit, the solution for Strategic Parts Management from CADENAS, has been integrated into the Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) system PRO.FILE next. This enables firms to better organise their standard, purchased and proprietary parts.

From the initial idea to the marketability of a new product is a long road that many employees have to travel together. Designers work out a digital draft, buyers order the individual components and the production department manufactures the final product. A clear structure is needed so that everyone can keep an overview of this process.

Clarity in the parts library

This is where Enterprise 3Dfindit and PRO.FILE next come in together. The interface simplifies and accelerates the search for components immensely for designers. On the one hand, they can directly access the numerous electronic product catalogues with manufacturer-verified data of the CADENAS platform. In addition, intelligent search functions, such as the geometric similarity search, sketch search, colour search, raster search and text search, make finding parts much more effective. Thanks to the connection, users can immediately transfer the parts found into the PLN software and enrich them with the intelligent, CAD-, CAE- and BIM-enabled metadata of 3Dfindit.

In addition, Enterprise 3Dfindit prevents duplicates by checking whether identical or similar components already exist and in this case evades the creation of new data records. This makes unnecessary data diversity for standard, normed and proprietary parts, which is confusing and slows down the design process, a thing of the past. In combination with a modern PLM solution such as PRO.FILE next from PROCAD, the advantages of Enterprise 3Dfindit become particularly clear.

Advantages for the entire process chain

Since PRO.FILE next is based on a no-code concept, the programme is suitable for all employees across departments. This allows companies to implement their PLM processes and technical data management quickly and easily via configurations, without time-consuming programming. The combination of PRO-FILE next and Enterprise 3Dfindit further facilitates company-wide collaboration between design, engineering and other disciplines. In addition, lean, digital processes result in higher quality and faster market maturity of products.
