Capture all leads thanks to CADENAS CRM Connector

All designers who download your product data worldwide on 3Dfindit are potential customers – use this info for your sales strategy

How many promotional emails have you had in your inbox over the past few days promising you the simplest and most effective lead generation solution? As a component manufacturer with an electronic product catalogue, you already have an impactful tool to attract new customers. Now you can automatically transfer induced leads, which are induced by your manufacturer portal and 3Dfindit, into your CRM system.

More automation, more turnover

With the CADENAS CRM Connector, you use the instrument you already have in your toolbox: The interface transmits all information from your download statistics to your customer management software hourly and compliant to General Data Protection Regulation without your assistance. There, you and your colleagues can directly fill your sales pipeline and work with the leads.

The CADENAS CRM Connector independently sorts out duplicate data records, forwards the information to the right contact person from your sales team and offers individual filter options so that you can get in touch with your prospects and customers even faster. Do your workflows deviate from this standard? The middleware can be adapted to Marketing Automation or your individual work cycles.

Currently, the systems of Salesforce, HubSpot and as of summer 2023 also Microsoft Dynamics 365 are supported. If you are interested, please use the contact form. In case your CRM system is suitable, integrating the software takes very little time and you will never miss a lead again. All you have to do then is sell your product. The CADENAS CRM Connector does the tedious preliminary work.

More information on how to convert leads efficiently.

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