CADENAS opens new office in Serbia

The final preparations have been completed and the team headed by Goran Prokić has started work in the new subsidiary

After their work is done, Goran Prokić (3rd from left) and his employees celebrate the successful move to new premises.

On July 3, 2023, the CADENAS team in Belgrade started work in the new office. General Manager Goran Prokić had already moved to a new location in Serbia in February. However, it was clear that this was a temporary solution. Since then, the Serbian colleagues had been searching for an optimal operating location. With the office in New Belgrade, the city's main business district, the ideal solution was found. It is located on the first floor of an open, modern new building and offers possibilities for future expansion. Located on the lively Jurija Gargarina Street, the office building has good public transport connections.

The finishing touch

The new branch focuses on digital product catalogs in the fields of mechanics and BIM. Before the Serbian team could start work, however, some preparations had to be made. Twelve workstations were equipped with hardware, new desks and ergonomic chairs were delivered, cables were laid, partition walls were erected, and a final cleaning was carried out. Prokić is satisfied with the result and seven employees have already moved into their new workplaces. Now the new subsidary can fully support component manufacturers in providing their customers with Digital Twins of their products. The plan is to grow the team even more soon.


You can contact our Serbian office at the following address:

CADENAS Solutions
Jurija Gargarina Street 225 E
New Belgrade, Serbia

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