1st place for 3DfindIT.com - Aniwaa lists download portals with the most 3D CAD models

The technical search engine by CADENAS leaves other portals behind with over 5.5 million free CAD models for engineers & planners

The comprehensive additive manufacturing and 3D scanning comparison platform Aniwaa has compiled an overview of numerous download portals for 3D printable files and CAD models: Thereby, the visual search engine 3Dfindit.com is listed at first place with more than 5.5 million available 3D CAD models (as of Dec. 17, 2021, 09:00 a.m. CEST). The parametric part families were taken into account - the total number even increases significantly when the number of components is multiplied by their available variants.

3Dfindit.com is the technical search engine for engineers, architects and designers, with which manufacturer-verified 3D CAD or BIM planning & engineering data can be found quickly and easily, configured and downloaded free of charge. Eight different search methods are available for this purpose, with which millions of 3D CAD and BIM models from currently almost 4,000 manufacturer catalogs can be searched. 3DfindIT.com has changed the way engineers, designers, planners and architects can find and use technical parts for their designs. Once a desired component is selected, it can be configured and downloaded in more than 150 native and neutral CAD and BIM formats. This ensures that the digital model can be smoothly integrated into the CAD software used with maximum functionality. All content has been verified directly by the manufacturers. As a result, users always receive up-to-date, correct product information including metadata of the components.

Aniwaa has been dedicated to the additive manufacturing (AM) and 3D scanning world for over 7 years, offering the industry’s most comprehensive product database in the form of a convenient, functional comparison platform for 3D printers, 3D scanners, and AM software.

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