"Whatchamacallit" for engineers: From the real component to the CAD model without exact designation
Search & find with the intelligent search functions of PARTsolutions
Not only children experience that they often don’t know the right designation for something. Also the everyday working life of engineers and purchasers often reminds us of the popular TV show “Whatchamacallit“: You are looking for a blue component, for example, which can be used to lift something and that has two holes with a diameter of 4 mm each.
But how can you get to the right part with this kind of description? For this purpose, the strategic parts management PARTsolutions offers a multitude of very helpful and intuitive software, e.g. the geometric similarity search, the sketch search, the to-pology search and the color search. This way you can accelerate the design process and effectively find standard, supplier and self-designed parts.

Starting with a real component, you will work out possibilities in our workshop to find the digital part for your design in the easiest way - without knowing the right designation of the part.
In our “Whatchamacallit” workshop we will show you:
- How to use the search functions of PARTsolutions
- The practical benefits for your everyday working life
- How to use filters and filter assistants
For any questions that arise, the CADENAS team will gladly be at your disposal.
For registration and more information write an e-mail to Workshop@cadenas.de with the subject „Whatchamacallit Workshop“.
The „Whatchamacallit Workshop“ will also take place at the international symposium CADENAS Industry-Forum on the 4th & 5th of February 2015 Augsburg, Germany. More information under: www.industry-forum.biz/en/forum