OpenBOM announces part catalog functionality enhancements powered by CADENAS
The integrated Bill of Materials and Inventory management system extends its solution with intelligent engineering CAD data
![OpenBOM now offers parts from manufacturer-certified catalogs powered by CADENAS](assets/images/1/2018-08-14_openbom_teaser-57113ec9.jpg)
OpenBOM, the US based solution provider for integrated Bill of Materials and Inventory management systems made some important enhancements of part catalogs many of their customers will be glad to hear about. Through the catalog integration powered by CADENAS, one of the leading software manufacturer in the areas of Strategic Parts Management and Electronic Product Catalogs, OpenBOM introduced an “import part” function in their part catalog user interface. Users are now able to access an ever-increasing number of standard and purchased parts of more than 500 manufacturer-certified product catalogs powered by CADENAS.
Needed parts are always available and easy to find within just a few clicks:
1. Import Part command
Part Catalog has now dedicated an Import Part function. Although it was partially available before via BOM
“ create new part”, now it is simple and clear.
![OpenBOM now offers an Import Part function for CAD models](assets/images/3/2018-08-20_openbom_import_part-cf8a2dda.jpg)
2. CADENAS out of the-box integration
“Import Part” now includes a function to import parts directly from 500+ manufacturer catalogs powered by CADENAS.
!["Import Part” function to import CAD models directly from CADENAS' manufacturer catalogs](assets/images/7/2018-08-20_openbom_import_part_2-a9ed5f14.jpg)
With an Electronic Product Catalog components find their way directly into the BOM
The engineer primarily influences the decision for a certain component during the construction phase. Components or products planned into the engineer’s CAD design are usually taken over into the bill of materials (BOM). The BOM provides some of the most important information for industrial companies and ultimately determine the quantity and type of materials ordered.
If a manufacturer supplies native 3D CAD engineering data including part meta-data, the component will retain all of the important manufacturer information for the final BOM. Once the component makes it into the BOM, the ordering of this part is virtually certain. About 87% of the manufacturer components downloaded by engineers and purchasers result in actual products sold. This way component manufacturers can cleverly sneak their product into the BOM of their buyers. CADENAS is continuously working to further increase this success rate through strategic partnerships.
Further information available at and