Classification Systems & ECLASS
CADENAS advises you when choosing the most suitable classification system for your company, e.g. ECLASS and we also support you when building up your own class system.
Introductory counselling ECLASS by CADENAS
CADENAS has been a member of the registered association ECLASS e.V. since April 2008 and uses ECLASS for classification projects, etc.
CADENAS successfully classified single parts, assemblies, machine and plant systems in numerous industrial customer projects according to the ECLASS standard. CADENAS´ software solution provides many important features, like the textual and geometric clustering.
ECLASS, an incorporated association, is the international, cross-industry product data standard for classification and clear description of products and services, which is promoted by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Labour (BMWi).
During an introductory counselling for one day, we answer the following questions:
How and when can you use ECLASS in your company?
Which departments/sectors are affected by a changeover or should be integrated in such a project?
Are customer-/supplier relations already affected?
Which software decisions have to be made?
How can CADENAS, being an experienced ECLASS/BMEcat IT service provider, support the implementation?
Practical examples for your orientation
Roadmap to approach the introduction of ECLASS
Working group "Geometric Attributes"
Adding geometric attributes to components only requires a little extra effort when creating a new CAD part. However, the engineer saves a tremendous amount of time for placement or exchange of this component within construction.

CADENAS GmbH cooperates with ECLASS in the field of mechatronics and is entrusted with the management of the working group "Geometric Attributes". The aim of this cooperation is to define a standard based on ECLASS for the data transfer of CAE system attributes.