3D CAD download portal
With a download portal based on the BIMcatalogs.net technology, you can provide architects, electricians, craftsmen and engineers with 3D multi BIM CAD data from your product portfolio with all the necessary information.
In doing so, the BIM CAD data can be configured online, including more than 100 common formats, e.g. Autodesk Revit, Nemetschek Allplan and GRAPHISOFT ARCHICAD and downloaded into the resp. CAD system or inserted into current projects.
Export in more than 380 native CAD formats
Does providing suitable CAD models for any CAD system and any version sound impossible to you? No problem with eCATALOGsolutions!
Your components will be available to engineers as genuine native 3D CAD models in more than 380 different file formats of common CAD systems such as Autodesk Revit, Allplan, ArchiCAD Vectorworks, etc.

With the variety of CAD systems and versions available, market coverage for individual systems seldom exceeds 15%. With the CADENAS multi CAD solution, you can reach over 95% of the market.
Seamless integration of your download portal
You can make the digital data of your components easily accessible for download on your website with eCATALOGsolutions.
The download portal can be adapted seamlessly to your corporate design. On request, the intelligent engineering data can be provided as a download directly on the respective product page.
Scalable solution – eShop integration and more
In addition, the embedded technology offers the option to connect your existing e-Shop or your CRM systems.
Based on the customer‘s individual configuration, direct information can be retrieved about prices and delivery times.
An example for successful integration can be found here: