Watch out manufacturers! Due to PARTcommunity your 3D CAD product catalog is now also represented on Facebook
More than 20,000 fans of the 3D CAD model download portal PARTcommunity speak for themselves

With CADENAS you can also profit as a component manufacturer from the big success of the social network Facebook. The Facebook Page of the 3D CAD model download portal PARTcommunity is becoming increasingly popular. There are already more than 20,000 followers of the newest trends and innovations regarding 3D CAD models and their download. The best thing is: All CADENAS customers who published an eCATALOGsolutions product catalog automatically profit from the successful Facebook presence and attract the attention of more than 20,000 Facebook users on their product catalog.

Set your products in scene on Facebook - quick and simple
Besides the general PARTcommunity Facebook Page with more than 400 manufacturer catalogs, you can implement your CAD product catalogs with only a few clicks directly on the Facebook Page of your company by means of CADENAS’ eCATALOGsolutions technology. With a page tab that has a direct link to the integrated product catalog, you call attention to your 3D CAD models and quickly and easily get to the download. Your integrated product catalog thus makes your Facebook Page even more attractive to users.
The awareness of your products is further enhanced if your fans share the components on Facebook and show them to friends and followers. Morevover, Facebook “Like“ buttons can be integrated into the 3D CAD download portal PARTcommunity. Your customers and prospective customers thus have the possibility to present the complete product catalog and individual products on their own Facebook Page. This is the best advertising for your company, since you trust your friends more than a commercial spot on TV, for instance. Moreover, you can carry out free market research with the “Like Button“, since your contents can be evaluated and distributed very well.

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