TENADO expands CAD & BIM catalog integration powered by CADENAS
Quick & easy access to 800+ manufacturer catalogs directly within TENADO's CAD software

Within the CAD software TENADO® even more standard and purchased parts from over 800 manufacturer-verified digital product catalogs based on the eCATALOGsolutions technology of CADENAS are now available thanks to the optimized add-on TENADO PARTS. Users find million components in TENADO, which can integrate it directly into their respective CAD construction. Among them a multiplicity of DIN, ANSI or EN standard parts or components of well-known international manufacturers. The deep integration saves drawing and design work, reduces errors and accelerates the subsequent procurement process.

2D & 3D CAD BIM models for many industries available even faster, clearer and more detailed
TENADO offers high quality CAD industry solutions for metal construction, mechanical engineering, fire protection, architecture, woodworking and traffic planning. With the integrated CADENAS solution, users of all areas and industries get access to the components they need for their design.
"We have significantly improved TENADO PARTS in order to provide our users with greater time savings and to make it easier to use," says Barbara Kohut, sales manager at TENADO GmbH. A big plus is the presentation of the components, which convinces with its clarity and richness of detail. A 3D view shows the CAD component from all sides. Users have the option of displaying components with a measuring grid or virtually disassembling them to inspect them from the inside. In addition, they can experience the models even more realistically with 3D glasses.

Component information automatically integrated into evaluations and parts lists
Thanks to the direct integration all information of parts and components, which users of TENADO PARTS transfer to their design, are also automatically transferred to the respective TENADO evaluation as well as parts lists.