New interfaces for CAE systems set further milestone in the ECAD sector
CADENAS extends the list of its Multi ECAD online interfaces with Solid Edge Electrical, SOLIDWORKS Electrical 3D, SIEMENS Capital and an update of the AutoCAD Electrical interface.

Good news for electronic component manufacturers: By expanding and renewing its Multi ECAD interfaces, CADENAS enables manufacturers of electronic components to extend the reach of their digital twins and make them accessible to a wide range of electrical engineers. In addition to the newly added interfaces for Solid Edge Electrical, Siemens Capital and SOLIDWORKS Electrical 3D, the existing interface for AutoCAD Electrical has been completely revised.
Now users have the possibility to export parts directly into the AutoCAD Electrical Database. Attributes, symbolism and attachment points are transferred on an ECLASS Basic basis, stored as *.mdb files directly in the database and are available to the user via the Catalog Browser. This makes it easier for electrical engineers to access the information they need and enables them to implement their projects more quickly and efficiently.

The integration of additional Multi ECAD interfaces enables electrical engineers to design their projects more efficiently and improve collaboration between different departments. They are specifically tailored to the requirements of the various CAE systems, which facilitates the seamless integration of digital twins of electronic components into the workflow.
The continuous development of the Multi ECAD interfaces demonstrates CADENAS' commitment to meeting the needs of its customers and fulfilling their requirements. The improved interoperability and ease of use will help to further drive the adoption and proliferation of digital twins in the electrical industry and foster collaboration between electronic component manufacturers and electrical engineers.
Learn more about the individual interfaces, which new interfaces are planned and how you can use CADENAS to make your data fit for electrical design as multi ECAD capable digital twins.