
June 2010

CADENAS GmbH, a leading software supplier in the area of strategic parts management, introduces the newest version of the PARTsolutions software. The new version 9.01 has already been released at the end of May. Many new functions and smarter features, such as enhanced search functions or automatic adjustment of the window layout to the table forms, further simplify the use of the CADENAS software

On Tuesday May 25th 2010 the annual CADENAS Solutions Forum took place in Bologna at the Ducati Auditorium. The main topic of this meeting was the analysis of the costs caused by the management of duplicate parts. The CADENAS Italiana Team presented the whole CADENAS' product and services portfolio for the optimization and standardization of the parts master files.

Tim Thomas, CEO of PARTsolutions LLC, the US subsidiary company of CADENAS Technologies, was a panelist at the Advanced Aerospace Manufacturing & Technology Conference on June 3-4, 2010 at the Delta Hotel in Montreal. The two-day, three-track executive gathering focused on supply chain, manufacturing and operation initiatives

The software manufacturer CADENAS GmbH in Augsburg supports over 300 universities and technical colleges in Europe. Since March 2010, a Croatian high school has been benefiting from CADENAS software solutions.