At SMS group, parts management and MDM go hand in hand
SMS group further expands its Master Data Management (MDM) for standard and catalog parts

Since 2022 CADENAS with a special MDM TEAM and MEDAXperts with a new MDM Ticket System are partners for Master Data Management at the SMS group. The SMS group stands for future-oriented technology and outstanding service in machine and plant construction for the metal industry worldwide. SMS group plants are in operation in almost every country in the world. Numerous standard and catalog parts are required for the development, design, construction and commissioning of machines and plants.
In 2004, the SMS Group implemented the CADENAS PARTsolutions parts management system. With this system, standard and catalog parts can be searched for and managed. Four years later, new standard and catalog parts were created centrally via SMS's own ticket system, and just three years later, internationalization and the connection of additional SMS subsidiaries to the parts management system were implemented step by step.
Master data management at SMS Group
In 2022, parts management was reorganized under the umbrella of the new Master Data Management organization. The previous SMS ticket system was replaced and the parts management system from CADENAS was combined with a system from MEDAXperts specially developed for Master Data Management. This ticket system is now available to employees as the Global Parts Request System, or GPRS for short, to request a new standard or catalog part.
To learn more about how the system works and the benefits of GPRS ticketing, please read our user report: