The tool checks whether a catalog contains data able to be classified but not yet are.
If, for example, a catalog contains variables having a weight unit, it is quite obvious that this is the component weight.
The evaluation by this tool only displays faulty (or possibly faulty) columns/variables.
As incorrect the following is considered:
The call is made on any directory/project under Automation.
In the Classification check dialog, enter a storage path and name for the output and specify the separator.
After successful export a respective message is displayed.
isClassified: ColumnName is assigned to cns_* (is classified)
isWeightUnit: The variable's unit is convertible to 'kg'
If there is a classification according to weight, but the table does not contain a reasonable value (e.g. 0kg), then under "desc" "invalidWeight(<=0)" is displayed.
isCustomsTarif: Does the respective variable contains the CustomsTariff number?
"true" is displayed if either hasCNSCTN or hasCNSECCN is "true".
mappedTo: Contains the currently mapped value and gives the hint that the set value is wrong (e.g. cns_CNSGEOMBASE_CNSMASSEXACT instead of cns_CNSPHYPROP_CNSMASSEXACT)