It goes without saying that today’s mobile data allows for information in all areas and branches to be constantly available.
Therefore the mobile app for from CADENAS is the tool for architects and planners to be able to freely obtain BIM objects in all areas of construction on the go.
Moreover it is made even easier to work on site through the numerous innovative features.

100+ BIM manufacturer catalogs
Numerous search functions allow for convenient findings of 3D BIM object (including 2D CAD details) from 100+ component manufacturers available to be instantly downloaded
Individual product configuration
Vast configuration options from BIM/architect manufacturer components such as: doors, windows, ventilations and fire safety systems, sanitation, roofing, wall cladding, shutters and much more
50+ native BIM CAD formats
Free to download component in over 50 native BIM CAD formats. Eg: Autodesk Revit, Nemetschek Allpan, Grafisoft Archicad, Sketchup, IFC
Virtual reality
Present all 3D BIM objects in virtual reality with a VR 3D cardboard viewer
Augmented reality
Superimpose the digital 3D BIM object into real life situations
PDF catalogs of numerous manufacturers