NC Componenti SPA revolutionizes design with new Easy-Link® Catalog on CADENAS

Simpler and faster design with intelligent CAD product data

NC Componenti, with more than 38 years of experience in the automation industry, has taken a major step forward in improving accessibility and efficiency for its customers by integrating its Easy-Link® Catalog into the CADENAS platform.

The company's strength is the Easy-Link® conveyor system. Now, with the integration of the catalog powered by CADENAS into the website, NC Componenti offers an even more comprehensive and efficient service.

New 3D CAD configurator improves digital customer experience

NC Componentis' Easy-Link® Catalog offers instant configuration and fast downloads in more than 100 CAD formats. This state-of-the-art platform allows designers to select products in the format of their choice, download them, and effortlessly integrate them into their designs. The entire process, enriched with all essential design metadata and datasheets, is done quickly and easily with just a few clicks, providing an immediate and intuitive solution to meet the dynamic needs of the industrial design world. With NC Componenti, configuration and integration become a seamless experience that brings a new dimension to design.

Here are all the advantages:

  • Instant and free downloads: With CADENAS, customers can instantly download component files in the appropriate format for their software for free, speeding up the design process.
  • 3D preview and instant access to technical data: In addition to downloading, you can view a 3D preview of the part and directly access product-specific technical data for quick reference.
  • Availability in different languages: The CADENAS platform ensures the usability of the service by international customers by offering the catalog in different languages to increase visibility and presence in the global market.
  • Extreme customization: The CADENAS catalog allows precise customization of Easy-Link® conveyors to meet the specific needs of each project.
  • Simplified integration: Integration into CAD designs is fast and intuitive, saving valuable time during the design process. Designers can work directly with NC Components' intelligent product information in their design software, rather than sending a request with their specific requirements and waiting for the manufacturer to respond. This also saves time for NC Componenti.
  • Accessibility and sharing: The Easy-Link® catalog on CADENAS is easily accessible to the entire design team, enabling efficient sharing with collaborators and customers. Any changes can then be easily made without having to start from scratch.

Erika Fundone, Operations Manager of NC Componenti, says: "The catalog allows a better use of the service by foreign customers, since all published components are accompanied by the corresponding translation in the different languages. This will allow us to increase our visibility and presence on the international market, where CADENAS is very popular. By choosing CADENAS, we wanted to increase the value of the offer to our customers, with the aim of facilitating and simplifying the implementation of their projects and making a quality choice that will allow us to consolidate our image on the international as well as the Italian market."

The NC Componenti 3D CAD catalog is available here.
