3D CAD Models Engineering App: 800,000 installations and excellent reviews
A much loved app for mechanical, electrical and plant engineering comes from CADENAS
In 2012 the app "3D CAD Models Engineering“ from CADENAS was founded as a download service and research tool for intelligent 3D engineering data. Since its publication in the app stores of Google, iTunes and Windows it has been downloaded and installed over 800,000 times.
The app is one of the most loved apps in the area of 3D CAD manufacturer catalogs. This can be seen in the installation numbers along with the copious amounts of positive customer feedback. The app is currently rated between a 4.5 and 5 stars – without any sign of stopping.
Numerous positive customer reviews
“Great app for viewing 3D models on the go!”
“Great tool for part comparison and quick access. Very handy. Just keep adding catalogs.”
“This is by far the best FREE CAD app out there with all the NATIVE CAD models you could ever need... (…)”
“This is a great aid in design and layout work. (…)”
“It's cool, I just printed 2 cool toys at my library.”
The 3D CAD models app for engineers and purchasers
The 3D CAD Models Engineering app offers engineers and purchasers in the areas of mechanical and plant engineering along with automotive, direct access to thousands of components from more than 460 manufacturer certified product catalogs from renowned international companies.
Advantages of the 3D CAD models app:
- Free downloads of 2D and 3D CAD models in over 100 CAD formats
- Allows individual configuration of CAD models
- All CAD models are manufacturer certified
- For all the most popular systems: CATIA®, Autodesk® Inventor®, SolidWorks®, Creo™ Parametric, NX™, AutoCAD®, Solid Edge® etc.
- Supports augmented reality and virtual reality – 3D CAD models realistically experienced
Try it now for yourself and download at:
Manufacturers can also profit from the app by CADENAS
With an individual app based on eCATALOGsolutions technology, your customers can view your Electronic Product Catalog, search for components, configure them and then download all on the go in a mobile format. Every CADENAS made app can be tailor made to suit your needs and offer additional functions. This app also support your sales and customer services. Numerous manufactures have already worked together with CADENAS to create their own app.

Afag 3D
Kundenspezifische App der Afag Automation AG auf Basis der eCATALOGsolutions Technologie von CADENAS. Die App bietet Afag Kunden einfach mobilen Zugang zu allen Komponenten.

Hydraulikzylinder bietet Ingenieuren und Einkäufern einfachsten Zugang zu Produktinformationen inkl. aller CAD-Daten der Hydraulikzylinder von AHP Merkle.

PHD 3D bietet einfachen Zugriff auf alle PHD Komponenten. Die App ist ein komfortable Möglichkeit für den Ingenieur, unterwegs 3D CAD Modelle von PHD Komponenten mit Hilfe eines iPads oder iPhones auszuwählen und zu konfigurieren.

Mit der SKF LubCAD App steht Ihnen das CAD Download Portal von SKF in vollem Funktionsumfang auch für Ihre mobilen Endgeräte zur Verfügung. Die Applikation ermöglicht Ihnen die individuelle 3D CAD Konfiguration vieler Produkte. Desweiteren haben Sie die Möglichkeit, sich die entsprechenden Produktbroschüren im PDF Format herunterzuladen und einen Händler in Ihrer Region zu finden.

LinkAble CAD Modelle
Die PARTcommunity LinkAble CAD Modelle Maschinenbau App von CADENAS ist ein Downloadservice für 3D CAD Daten.
Die App bietet Ingenieuren und Einkäufern der Branchen Maschinen- und Anlagenbau sowie Automotive direkten Zugang zu tausenden Komponenten aus mehr als 500 herstellerzertifizierten Katalogen international führender Unternehmen.
You also want to take advantage of your own app and convince your customers through user-friendliness? Please contact us at marketing@cadenas.de or call us at +49 821 2 58 58 0-0.
CADENAS - The Innovation Company
To achieve excellence, copying is not enough – CADENAS - The Innovation Company