15,000 CAD downloads in the 1st year for UHV Design thanks to eCATALOGsolutions powered by CADENAS

The Electronic Product Catalog enables parts to be configured and downloaded in 100+ native CAD formats on the UHV Design website

UHV Design has developed and manufactured high- and ultra-high-vacuum manipulation equipment for over 15 years, offering the forward-thinking scientific and technical institutions specific custom solutions and standard products. Now thanks to the implementation of an Electronic Product Catalog and an Online Product Configurator, UHV Design customers can configure and download product information instantaneously in over 100 native CAD formats such as Autodesk® Inventor™, SolidWorks®, Siemens Solid Edge®, NX® and many more.

Seamlessly embedded to enhance the ease of doing business
Seamlessly embedded to enhance the ease of doing business

This has led to an increase in traffic on the UHV Design website from customers looking for intelligent engineering data for their designs resulting in 15,000 CAD downloads within the first year. “We pride ourselves on looking for innovative ways to support our customers,” says Russell Hardy, Marketing Manager at UHV Design Ltd. “Integrating CADENAS directly into our website has enabled our customers to quickly and effortlessly download native CAD files for all standard products. Customers have commented on how this feature has saved time to receive the required model and ensures that the downloaded model can be imported successfully into the required CAD system.”

Seamlessly embedded to enhance the ease of doing business

Not only does the Online Product Configurator from CADENAS’ eCATALOGsolutions offer native CAD to download, but also it does so seamlessly without having to change systems or swap websites. The configurator is seamlessly embedded into UHV Design’s website allowing for engineers to get all of the required product information in a 2D & 3D CAD format to be download immediately, they can also make a request for quotation without leaving the web page. Through embedding the Electronic Product Catalog directly, UHV Design are better able to meet the needs of engineers who require high-quality product models in their designs.

Time saving 3D dimensioning

Integrated 3D dimensioning saves engineers valuable time in the design process. In a survey conducted by CADENAS, 59% of respondents find it important that catalog parts data provides automatic dimensioning. By having the dimensioning integrated into the 3D previewer, it saves engineers the hassle of having to browse through extensive catalogs and websites to collect all the necessary information. This time can be spent on creating more innovative products.

Monthly download increases of up to 41%

UHV Design customers have been downloading and configuring product information by the thousands since its unveiling last year. Monthly download increases of up to 41% have been recorded and show no signs of stopping. The innovative market leader in high- and ultra-high-vacuum motion and heating products supplies its solutions to pioneering laboratories, government facilities and light sources online in a user-friendly and uncomplicated manner.

Native CAD for reliable results

“CADENAS is proud to have its first UK customer focused on the scientific community. We are a supporter of innovative companies in all industries that require intelligent 3D data in a native CAD format,” explains Colin Johnson, Managing Director of CADENAS Solutions UK Ltd. “When designing new research equipment, the importance of having design specifications that are 100% reliable cannot be understated. This can only be achieved with native CAD that can be specified, downloaded and imported into a design without interruption.”
